

A girl who gift me a smile.

Standing still in front of a mirror
I saw a girl with teary eyes
Wanting to say something
But hear voice can't reach my

Strange, but a familiar feeling
And I followed her where she goes
"Why am I following her
for what purpose ?", I asked my self.
Just can't forget
those teary eyes that glows"

We reached a place full
of light, Walls with hanging frames
On both sides
Each have something,
And with a soft touch
The truth came to light.

Each frames holds
The memories of my past
"Is this me ", I asked myself
"Oh! how beautiful was that
smile n those glowing eyes",

As I turn back
I saw her glowing
eyes not with tears but
A smile that was familiar,
having a resonating effect
on me, that I too smiled.

Strange, Suddenly her voice
fall on my ears,
Saying, " Releax! you do enough
and r doing great...
Just don't lose hope
and always smile. "
And she disappear
in front of my eyes.

Now, I see myself standing
in front of a mirror
wearing a bright SMILE,
N my eyes glowing
with hopes and dreams high.

We all have our own struggle, sometimes the intensity is too high that We can't recall if we had smiled for a while or not.
Let's face each of the challenges life throws on
our way and let's face it with a smile.
And not give up. For giving up is
loosing itself, But striving and moving forward ,gain us experience, which is worth appreciating.

© Rubina Ahmed