

The Beast of Harlem

Between humans, mortals, angels, devils and all mystical beings lurking the Earth...
There was One... One of perhaps not Only.
Mystical of them all... A mystery screaming my soul to seek and find...
A strange occurance of existence if I May...

Where is this directed?
Quite Direct.
Perhaps over the Devil's peak,
or is it Under?
but I'll sing about the Beast.
A symphony only my heartbeat, longing and thoughts can Orchestrate.

Quite the Misguided notion about beasts on these empty ashes melted streets,
Fading with lack of imagination and a Reality gone way south...
But this one and only beast is what the gets the Beast definition of Beast.
A Reality untamed.
Existing in both Dreams, Folklore, myths, the seen and unseen Reality.

It's a Man...
Nothing about him is human...
But his humanity...
I suppose the unspoken often choked on blatant truth that humanity is found in the immortal and those not of human origin is confirmed by my findings in him.

This is still no comparison,
or a whinge...
But the Beast of Harlem...

Oh he is a miracle...
A man...
Not earthly, very different...
And of course a Beast on full mode.

"Baby I'm a beast" ,
He whispers in attempt to make me run.
"Look me in the Eye; You can't love me"...
With all attempt to cure me of my ridiculous obsession with him.
I'm compelled to believe he was unaware that my eyes saw...