

I came on to strong
I must have driven you away, some might say...
with all the things I said to you.
what did I expect you to do...
I must have been out of my mind.
I admit I went over board. perhaps my confidence somewhat soared, a bit.
or maybe I was just lit.
trust me when I say if the shoe were on the other foot I too would have ran away.
I'm not sure what got into me, maybe it was just the days before I spent alone with so much loneliness and misery. That might of been why I came on so strong. I wish I could have explained to you that it had just been so long. I guess that's why everything inside of me came out so wrong.
But whatever the case , it is what it is.
As much as I wish that I could go back and perhaps take back the way I acted when it came to you. there's really nothing that I can do.
I'm sorry. I just wish we could go back in time so I could make things right, I wouldn't have rushed you so much, I would have let things work out in due time, maybe then would you still be beside me. It's to bad that it was too late when I finally was able to see.
© Stephanie mh