

Everyone speaks of the jealous friend, asking why a friend should be jealous, now let me twist the scenario around, "Why make your friend jealous of you?" you may wonder how.
you know your friend is in a rut, yet you keep bragging about your achievements, and you never for once sympathise with your friend's situation instead you keep bragging.
you know your friend is broke, yet you keep bragging about how much money you spend in a week, and how easy it is for you to afford accessories, clothing e.t.c
you know your friend is single or in a terrible relationship yet you are always bragging about how your man/woman is the best, you brag about the expensive gifts you get and so on.
We all need to know that at times we spike up jealousy in people, slowly but effectively, here's a little secret I've discovered; "Don't overshare" It helps a long way you know, keep some of your achievements or progress to yourself, At times it is safer that way, your friends don't need to know every single achievement in your life especially when they aren't accomplishing anything.