

Makeover Of Mindset.
Endless highways of misdirected means,
To walk along the lonely street of dreams,
To live in a world where nothing is as it seems,
And take pursuit of pleasure to extremes,.
As tonight will be, like sporting a pillbox hat, with a funereal chrysanthemum stitched to its crown, She lived somewhere on the Middle East Side and She seemed to be taking her cue, as to how late one should work, because she often ended up on the platform a few minutes on her heels, She took a candid look in her direction, obviously working up the courage to approach,
Lest there be any doubt,
She took,,"A Room with a View" from her
purse and opened to chapter 6,
It is a lovely oddity of human nature
thar a person is more inclined to interrupt two people in conversation, that one person alone with a book, even if it is a foolish romance.
The beating of flowers were drowned out
by the brakes of a destiny's train,
An expression of surprise to the pursuit of pleasures.☕

© Mishra Poonam