

Just thinking, happy.
I'm feeling so many emotions.
Looking at your photo, eyes bluer than the ocean.
Depth beyond anything described,
Smile that looks genuinely happy as it reaches your eyes.
Headphones on, cute little pose
Warming my heart in ways that nobody knows.
I love our conversations,
They're always so deep and profound.
Even when they're lighthearted and fun they have a way of removing my frown.
I can't believe how much has changed even over the course of just a few days
It can be overwhelming at times
Not because of you, just because of all of these other things and problems on my mind
Honestly, you are what helps keep me hopeful and levelheaded
Without your friendship, I don't know where I would be headed
I'm still in shock that you said you love me
I always hoped and felt like you did, but just the reality floors me
I'm glad you didn't tell me before, even though I wished you did.
It helped me process my emotions in my own time, and make my own decisions.
I'm glad that you waited for me,
maybe one day I will have a fraction of your patience.
I hope that you will be my forever.
I feel like we stand a pretty damn good chance.
We've been friends for so long, and we just make sense.

© mistybby