

A long lost friend
It was a casual day which I don't remember well
But the feelings were something I won't forget
I was just overwhelmed with a poem I read ,
And then I kept reading everything that popped out on that account..

I was quite impressed
I made the first move
Spoke to an unknown stranger
Just appreciating her amazing work

And suddenly found myself vibing with her
They say ,"vibes don't lie "
And "they"were right ,
We were poles apart even in literal senses ..
We were completely different..

I found a best friend online ,
For the first time ..
Her morning was my evening,
It was always that we used to share every little detail of our day .

And suddenly something happened..
We just knew that it wouldn't go on ..
We won't be able to talk again ..
And so we spoke our hearts out till we could ..

We promised to be back..
And believe me I trusted that promise
But we just got so busy in our lives
That we lost touch ..

Up to date ..
I still look up for her texts
The moment I see her name popping up..i just wanna drop everything and reply back ..
She was like a sister..
Whom I might never see
And it's okay if I don't..
Cause I have seen her inner beauty..

I don't know if she will ever read this
But if she does
Tell her that I miss our convos !!
And also that handmade bunnies remind
me of her!!

© Alora