


I would swallow the sun and kiss it into your mouth if it meant you'd feel warm again.
I would burry green gardens deep inside your heart if it meant you would blossom there. 
I would pull myself apart, jagged bones and soft skin, if it meant i could find the right pieces to put you back together again.
I would darling, i would.

But I can't.

For I have learned time and time again that human beings cannot be saved or fixed or grown by others- they can only be loved. So, I will love you, and love you well.

I will love you on the days when your laughter meets my eyes and i will love you just as much when it does not.
I will love you on the days when you are made of light,
and I will love you just as much when the sun goes black.
I would love you through your healing 
And I will love you through your hurt.
I will love you when you love yourself 
And I will love you when you don't.
I want to love the niped , sewed, tucked and patched parts of your body that makes you stand out
I want to love the scars, the fractured skin in you that you are not so proud of.
I refuse to love you in halves.
So love,
show me where you thrive and 
I will love you there.

© DM-2020