

Prayers Unheard

I have no voice,
A situation caused by my choice,
My mouth is leaves dry,
My throat sour and cracked due to my cry.

A word I sent to the Most High,
Wings I prayed that I could fly,
As a human being all I have done is try,
But myself I did harm to lie.

Insults break no bone,
A fact I denounce because mine are broke,
Patience exercised kills me daily,
Lord human I want to be no more.

A mutant is my everyday prayer,
This may sound crazy but to me no,
As a mutant no one will ever mess with me,
My powers will not harm them but their mouths be shut.

These extra ordinary powers I have prayed for,
Seconds ran minutes flown days are passing,
No signs of the heavy clouds to cry rain,
Patience being a virtue I lost a human I accept.

Name : June Mwangangi
Pen name:Zari

© Zari