

Happy (?) International Women's Day
Yesterday, we celebrated International Women's Day
But we must still question what kind of happiness we should celebrate

It is true that I can get better education than my ancestors (women)
However, some women are still suffering to fit their education to the social construction
Since women are forced to think of their future responsibility to take care the whole family members and raise children even before they are graduate
Meanwhile, we barely discuss men's responsibility about the same cases

It is true that the government prepare some chairs for woman candidates in parlement
However, some incapable privileged women in politics are successfully ruin people's trust on women in general

More and more women declare #WomenSupportWomen
Meanwhile, some women who consume gossip give their blessings to men who blame other women
If a woman comes to a relationship
The woman will be called as immoral
Another woman must listen to suggestions to close her eyes and ears and tolerate the man
Or will be blamed on her incapability to make her man as the happiest one
They forget to think that "perhaps" the man is not good at being grateful

In other cases, I do know why
Women should be polite everytime to anyone even to impolite men
Women must be early birds, while early bird men deserve clapping hands
Women must be neat and tolerate the men who mess things up
Divorced women have lower value than the men

So that we must take some actions, since all women deserve
Better life quality
Higher education
Equal salary
Freedom to choose
Self-love even we resist some unsuitable social construction

Blitar, 9th of March 2021 9.21 A.M.