

Cast Away The Old, Embrace The New
The old year fades, it's shadows deepen
New beginnings ahead arise,secrets awaken
Dark days give way to pale light
Resolutions form, hope takes flight

A clock ticks through the midnight's chime
Echoes of the past, lost in time
Memories drift like smoke from a pipe
As we reflect on life’s fleeting hype

Through the cracks show a glimmering view
Of what we were and what we’ll do
The mortals hum the working class song
In every breath, a struggle lifelong

Relationships tangled, Lovers entwined
Seeking solace in hearts, refined
Personal battles fought and conquered
Scars tell the stories we’ve always pondered

Let's shed our inhibitions, hatred and for each other scorn
That's not what we humans for in reality were born
Fade out the echoes of animosity of all old
Transit in garments of righteous morals, the future, let's mould

And though the world around us may seem bleak
We’ll find our solace, if we tirelessly seek
Let not our troubled hearts turn faithless and cold
Encourage tired humanity to strengthen our values and uphold.

So let us All face this coming New Year's Day
With arms outstretched, come what may
For though the years may approach and go
A promise We must keep, is for Our spirits flame to always glow

May our Creator's loving blessings guide You All to find
All things that bring goodness in Infinite abundance, I pray for You and Your Loved Ones, in kind.

© 𝓡.𝓕𝓮𝓻𝓷𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓼 𝓟𝓸𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓬 𝓢𝓸𝓾𝓵

Dedicated to those Who still believe, Inspire, Encourage Me and Keep My Writing Dream Alive. Thank You.