

Reasons why i do it?

Why do you write? They asked me

Well!,i replied,

I just want them to see,
The writer within me,
To share the world i dream of,
That is real to me.

I write to be remembered,
For my hard work,
Not just a looser,trying his luck.
I want to be memorable,
So that my memories,
Becomes indestructible

Long after i am gone,
When the dust perishes from my bones.
I want them to remember me,
Through my works and stories to be.

When the last of my kin perishes,
I want people to continue my wishes.
Into an eternal line of legacy,
I want them to be addicted ,
To read my books,like ecstasy.

In my dream, i see a future,
Where people remembered me.
Movies were made based on my books,
Songs on my poems, i see!

Long after i am gone,
I want to be remembered ,
For the works i have done.

Just like how folklores are passed,
Through generations after generations
My stories should be foretold,
So that people can feel me,
In their imaginations.

I guess that's why i do,
Whatever i am doing ?
To be remembered in a distant past,
Don't know where life is going.

© rizwan