

Kitten With Hat In Basket
13 Sep 2024 at 10:57AM

Kitten in basket,
Whiskers twitch, eyes fill with bliss,
Purring at rest now.

Kitten sits so still
Graceful pose, peaceful and calm
Soft fur, shimmering.

Kitten in basket,
Kitten With Hat In Basket
Surrounded by orchid blooms,
Peaceful harmony.

Cozy kitten curls up
Soft cushion in woven basket
Peaceful slumber comes.

Kitty's lovely hat,
Adorned with pretty flowers,
Divine beauty's sight.
© 🐝RuthHor

Collaboration Credits:
Pls see @I_Am_Michael “Purry Furry Kitty”, thank u.
@ChattyBee57 “Kitten With Hat In Basket”