

A child story.
On a certain day in march,
a year ago, I looked in my backyard,
and I saw a big black bird.
Qurious as I am, I went outside.
The bird begon to talk to me.
¨Hello, whats your name?¨
¨Esther¨ I said.

¨Oh okay, I´m Rooki, and I am
a rave¨. I was flying around for some
food and found some bread in your
garden, and I thought, hey a free meal¨.
said Rooki, ¨but actually I prefer meat and
fish, I like you, and want to ask you something;
will you be my BFF?

I laughed about Rooki and said; ¨yes Rooki,
why not?¨ and so we become friends Rooki and I.
Somethimes I cooked for her, my female birdfriend,
and somethimes I gave her some fish.
We had fun together and laughed so often with
each other.

But after a few months, Rooki Said; ¨Well Esther,
I miss my birdfriends so much, you are my best human friend,
but I wanted to fly with my also feathered friends to another
part of this world, maybe we will see each other back about
a year or two years,¨ I was dissapointed, but I said, hey Rooki,
I hope you are doing well during your flight, and we talked
for a while and Rooki spread his wings at 9 o´clock at the
evening, at the twilight zone.

I think on Rooki now and than, an in silence I laugh,
my feathered friend, Rooki black as night, a bird without
fear, I hope will meet again, but nothing is quaranteed
in this life, I hope that Rooki still reminds me,
I hope she is doing wel, my bff bird, just a big black
bird, but my best friend for two whole months,
In my dreams I see him flying with his flock of old
frends, and looked near at the earth, Rooki a brave
black rave, without any fear.
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