

Sometimes I feel that I don't wanna give a fuck about anyone or anything
All this need to love, need to be loved
Screw everything!
Need to aspire, need to succeed
Need to improve, need to be good
Screw it all!

Can't this word be removed from the dictionary
From my mind, my world

This world is screwed
Sometimes all I feel is that
I want to be left alone
Just me
Alone in peace

There's a lot to be done
Probably where I fail is that
I need to balance all the things in life
I am very bad at it
It's a whole lot for me
Every day I see myself sinking under the burden of things I need to do!

This burden on my heart
It blocks my arteries
It makes my heart weak
Incessant tears flow down my eyes

It's not that I am not being loved
I am
But still...It's all very overwhelming
Probably all the love, all the care!

At the end of the day
I just wanna sleep with a smile
Screw everything!!

© Sanika