

Lost in a wilderness
Wherever I see
Whatever I see
Whoever I see
reminds me of your lovely smile

I walk by the sea
from dawn till dusk
from the day when I loved you
to the day when you left

I desperately wish
to hold to that one ray of your love for me
To be loved
by that ever fleeting heart of yours
To silently adore
that lilac smile of your's

I know you are already taken
I know my love for you
is the only thing that won't come round
back me to me
Yet why do I yearn for you??
Yet why do I love you so much??

I love to hear your voice
more than I love hearing
to a nightingale

The sun rose in my dark life
The day I first met you
The day you first called my name
The day you wanted to talk to me
The sun never set in my life
With you around,my love

But you left me in this darkness
Nothing more than hopelessness
awaits for me
I contemplate whether I was wrong
In loving you
or was I wrong
in devoting the whole of me to you

The spring of my life
is forever gone
The only flowers left
are beginning to wither
I am perpetually headed towards
an eternal winter
But this autumn I'm in feels colder
than the upcoming winter

You might be gone
You might be loving someone else
But I'm forever yours
I still love you
From my core
I still keep staring at the horizon
Desperately waiting your return

I just continue to look for the floodlights
Through the eternal darkness
of the forest I'm in
Won't you really return to me?
Won't you really love me?
Won't you smile again for me?
Thinking all these
tears continue flowing
like the streams flowing
out of a mountain

My heart feel like a fish in a net
Out of the water
It yearns only for your love

I want just to see your smile
Your smile feels
ever better than an angel's touch
I want to feel your love again
It's the sunshine
Which lit up the darkest of my days
I want to feel your touch again
I want to hear you talk again

I'm tired of these empty dreams
I'm tired of these monochrome spring days
I'm tired of these sleepless summer nights
I'm tired of these depressing rains
I'm tired of these lonely autumn
I'm tired....I'm tired
I'm tired of these tearful winter days

But you don't ever seem to care
Nor I do I want you to ever care
The only thing I treasure in this empty life
Is your bright smile
I don't know what you think of me
All I want to say you is "I Love You"