

Walking on Water
Walking on Water


My life is better
This I know
When dreams come
To me
And won't let go

When my imagination
And proves the fools
To be just fools

For the critics
With their pens
Get castigated
Now and then

I'm doing better
Than I ought ta

Because I learned to
walk on water

Maybe I'll sink
Maybe I'll drown
Maybe I'll decide to stick around

I know I'm strange --
That's nothing new
I'm in the book
Of who's stranger than who

Usually at 9
( that's 9 a m)

I take off my shoes
I do it again

So get the kids
Your son , your daughter

And let them watch me walk on water

A master of nothing else I am
Like peanut butter
Goes great with jam
Is my imagination great
And my
Don't depreciate

Let go your old fuddies
They are no fun

Give up the ghost
Of what can't be done

Seal up
Your doubt

With brick and mortar

And watch the wise
Walk on water..
© R Becker