

Online Sister
A stranger's chat, a virtual meet,
Unlikely friendship, a bond so sweet.
One year passed, and our connection grew,
From online friends to sisters, through and through.

Tangi's stories, a daily delight,
Paragraphs filled with laughter and light.
Her words painted vivid pictures in my mind,
Of her adventures, joys, and heart's designs.

But now, in a hostel, she resides,
No mobiles allowed, our chats divide.
I miss her dearly, her absence I feel,
Longing for her words, my heart does reveal.

Tangi, my sister, though far away,
In my heart, our bond will always stay.
I cherish memories of our virtual past,
And look forward to reconnecting at last.

We hope to bridge the distance soon,
And meet in person, under the same moon.
Share laughter, tears, and stories untold,
And make our online bond, a real-life gold.