

Please I can't breathe
Really!!she can't breath
please stop😔she's out of air😭😭
Can't you hear me?!she's dying
She can't bare the pain anymore please
My daughter is dying please try and understand!we will give you anything you want her mother yelled
she's dead of one of them said and they all flee out of fear.
Right in her mother's eyes.Her beloved,9 month struggle,many years effort was gone.
She was in her father's house you know.I mean right in her comfort zone

They came with hardened heart with the mindset that the damsel we usually see must be ours today.No one will stop us they said.
With cruel soul
Just to ruin her mother's dreams
My daughter will grow up to be the best doctor her mother had always said
But do you know what happened ?Does dreams where shattered right when she was so close to achieving them.

Have you ever thought of the pain that girl was feeling?
Let's assume you didn't care about the girl.
What of her mother's tear.You all have a mother right?

it was yet another joke to you
You satisfied your urges by destroying a human.I mean one of God's greatest creature.A gender that Allah gave a whole surah to.

But remember even the weak as supporter
I mean they have Are Raheem(the merciful)
And they will fear not cause if their justice isn't gotten in this world
verily the hereafter there is great tidings for them and the other for you

This act isn't just another crime.It is the definition of shattered dreams,ruined lives, sometimes death of a soul(abortion),hatred of a mother to her child because of how d child came to being.

It might be fun to you
It might even be so interesting
something you just joke about
But remember what goes around will surely come around

Say no to rape
