

On Top of the Mountain
Amidst scorching heat and freezing cold.
In dreams of hope we stay consoled.
This winding road to reach a goal.
Written chapters of a struggling soul.

Rain or shine, we push on;
Holding on to life's baton;
Racing far from poverty;
Giving deaf ears to negativity.

Toiling hard towards a dream;
Weary bones rowed upstream;
Up the mountains, there is a beam.
Sheding light upon our dreams.

Alas we reach the mountain top.
A clear view to life's action.
Bitter sweet mountain of success.
Intoxicating - flowing in excess.

Exhausted lungs we pitched our tent;
So High above waters ascent.
Breathing in nature's scent.
Ontop of the mountain we lay spent.

© Naomi Kamara