


An orphan's life is like a leaf that's blown by the wind.
Unbeknownst his destiny with a glint in his desire.
Just longing for two arms whose love will never tire.
This little chap's eyes are all teary as they leave him never fearing.

With time his heart grew weary.
His friends all found their homes.
Those stranger he called mom and dad all passed him by and gloat.
He listens to their voices just pitty in their tone.

This little boy is called Tommy, whose eyes shine like the sun.
He's just my little angel and sweet as bubble gum.
At night he'll sit alone and gaze upon the sky.
Waiting for that night God sends a shooting star.

Oh! Tommy little sweetheart.
He listens to your prayers.
Come closer to me angel; ' I'll dry those little tears'.
Those strangers who would whisper they never really known.

Tonight God himself will come and take you to your home.
Just close your eyes and see the angels brought your wings.
Sweet baby don't you know with hair as white as snow.
You never were an orphan by morning you'll be home.