

Palace like house ...a dream home
Ruled regally with love and riches
That showered upon their children
Lavished to grand children too..
Lived ..The Emperor and his queen
Known to me ....as my Grand parents !!

Childhood vacations enjoyed there
With clash, compete, dispute, laugh,
Fear and tear between kinsfolk...
Yet love and care persisted among .
Many a lessons of life,a new each day learnt , both from nature and elders alike !!

Ripened mangoes of groove , juiced
Raw mangoes with chilly and salt.
No stones left to hit on tamarind too
All tried to seek tastes so different
Played all games general and unique
With no care for the scorching heat
Of the mid April- May summer sun!!

Much awaited majestic monsoon rain
Enthralled hearts and souls, with onset
Together as gang ,drenched in the rain
Steam chillied tapioca with steam flying
Hot tea served upon..to beat the cold!!

On restriction to shower in rain..
Became rain watchers through windows...
Watery roads, drenched trees, colourful umbrella , uninterrupted rain... mesmerising view.....

Years passed ...
childhood still in mind as indelible!!
togetherness once in years together .
As kinsfolk at different places .
The Emperor and his queen no more
But. .the dream home still stands tall
As a building !!

© kavitha prabhakaran