

The clash of swords echoed everywhere
the ground turned red with blood,
There on it's very ground
stood a solider fighting to death....

The world took to its heels
to cause him harm till he dies
The surroundings turned even more hostile,
yet he refused to submit to their cries.....

The sky darkened as the glares turned to him....
whispers echoed along with mocking laughter
once he even threw up his hopes in a whim.....
yet regained them back right after

Backstabs, treason.....he suffered it all
and even more than that...
when they tried to convince him that it was all his fault.......

lt appeared to be blood moon during the war
Yet he had been fighting that war for nearly his whole life now....
Through this mess he fought on...
With his perseverance and zeal much to the surprise of others who asked how

The world was cruel and its it's people crueler.....
he knew it better than anybody else
and thus,
He shone through his bloodied war-ravaged state.....
The brightest among the brightest stars,
filing the dark corners with his radiance.....
For the solider died fighting his battle.......for he was the bravest of all