

Ok, this shouldn't be that much of a poem but......

I'm new to this app, and I just posted a story and a Quote...cause I love writing and not even a second passes after I published my story and someone pops up in the comment with a middle finger, like that is so rude there was literally no need for that, I simply said guys, tell me what you think about my story after reading it and I'll fix it, this person just pops up in the comments with a middle finger like.....what??! if you don't like the story just admit it!! there's nothing hard in that I won't get hurt by the truth...if you tell me it doesn't sound good I'll be okay and fix it but you don't just pop up in the comment showing middle finger that's just disrespectful... and I know your not the only one who does this but you need to stop...please what your doing isn't necessary, Right now I'm laughing on how childish you people are I'm just a 14 year old girl who just like writing for fun...but come on, it's ok to have haters and I'm ok with it but please act mature if it is that you need help please to tell me there was absolutely no need for that.