

Tears of Hope
Such deeply felt sorrows for the grisly fate of humanity that hath been put in store for them. I can no longer perceive living my life so blindly as I once was....I recoil at the very thought of humanity succumbing to such profusely agonizing darkness, completely unaware simply due to lack of Faith.......Souls will be put to test and relentlessly tormented, their Faith in God the prize of gold so desperately sought after by the stench of rotting darkness....
The world will come to end in tears of fire that will dispassionately do everything in its power to destroy Children of God....if ye be awoken, do not tread upon thought of sleep, For war be upon the fate of existence which is in dire need of soldiers to fight for Light.....Wake up humanity!! Everything set, bred, or brought forth upon society has been meticulously and strategically designed to destroy the Children of God. Darkness will do anything in It's power to take as many souls away from God as possible, whatever the price....
Do not let deception lay upon thine eyes, for spiritual sight is a precious gift from God to be cherished.........It is time my Children, to rise up, take a stand, and warm humanity!!! They have no idea what's coming for their eternal souls like feasting beasts on rancid meats........Have Faith my Child, for it will be tears of Hope that saves us all.......