

My Beautiful Man
I can smell your sweet perfume from far away, your green shirt looks so faded yet so good on you. How can a man be this beautiful? mom always says, never fall for a beautiful man. Beautiful can also be ugly she says. What does she know? does she know that even his smiles caresses me, or how his words smeeks all the loneliness from my heart.

Just yesterday it seems as if I might die of loneliness but then you came like a diligent battle man to keep my mind at peace, but what is it that you do to me that the man with blue pants don't know? I have never met someone so cold yet so hot.

I have never thought of myself as a good dancer but how come I can't seem to stop moving my whole body towards you, even my cheeks aches from smiling sheepishly, now my eyes are always looking for you and my nose has become more sensitive than it ever was. what should I call this feeling? could this be love? but my mom told me that love is so difficult, why do you make it seem so easy or the real question is how do you do it? well it does not matter anymore all I know is that am in love with this beautiful man.