

Path of victory
Take one step forward, decide with might
Complete your goals, ignore the doubting light
When others try to bring you down with fear
Remember, your dreams belong to you, hold them dear

People often focus on the negative side
But don't let their thoughts be your guide
If you listen to their doubts, you'll lose the race
And become a loser in this endless chase

But participation is what sets you apart
Having the guts to try, a courageous heart
Not every attempt will lead to victory's thrill
But trying with authenticity is what makes it real

The day you decide to take the first step forward
Is the day you start competing, no need to be awkward
And when you strive to prove your worth
That's when you'll find your true victory on this earth

So don't hesitate, don't let fear take hold
Fight for your dreams, ignore the doubters' cold
Take that one step forward, and make it your own
And you'll find your path to success, all on your own.
© anaya raj singh