

God Severe Punishment
Given a hard time, the silence had broke.
Triggering to hear the sound of torturing
It punish the world
The fault of us, something like tragic.
Whole the life submerged like
sand cover with water.
Wave of the sea, by this creature
Soul of many innocent life goes by.
As flower carried away by water.
Want to live a beautiful life.
Like flowers gone with broken heart
in the wave.
Life Is Gone .
For virtue they live.
For future they think .
People never know their deeds, past.
Their gracious mistakes
For that they punish
Blame yourself, blame.
Realization is good
Did it, we
Must save, we
It is the only place, must stay
Nature is God
Never nurture, human only know
We are Being not Things.
We must know
We must save
The soul
As it is our fault.

Angel Ningthoujam
( 1/6/20)Monday

The poem is about the ongoing pandemic that kills hundreds of life. We people don't know that God has given a Punishment. We are a highly intelligent animal but we act like non living.Most of the people think only for themselves. And never realise their mistakes. Their act harm the nature which give life to us. We will not live without nature. We must blame ourselves for this unwanted loss. Many innocent people are killed by the virus. The soul of them want to live a beautiful life along with their family. But gone as if the pluck flower from their plant float on the water .We must try our best to save the life. As it is our fault. We must understand this. And I hope all
will be fine without any harm.