

Girl who rises and falls...
I was since long
hiding behind the wall,
Making sure that
no one saw me fall,
For years now
remained I silent,
Inside if you ask me
I was truly violent,
I wanted to shine
I wanted to rise,
But never had the guts
to pay the price,
Sweet and innocent
was i always called,
But a fake smile
I had dolled,
Tired of this mask
I decided to unveil,
Deep stored secrets
I now wanted to reveal,
Don't call me a statue
that looks perfect all the time,
I want to be a sinner
ready to commit a crime,
And let me tell you
its difficult to come this far,
If you think you can do it
without getting a scar,
My heart us full of pain
but eyes have no Shame,
For now i know that
I am nowhere at the blame,
So here i am standing
breaking off the walls,
Come see me now
as a girl who rises and falls...
