

TAG ME #human ?!
When I was a little infant and was understanding the new found art of living, I was tagged #lazy, #naughty, #prodigy, #phenomenal, #pain, #touchy

When I grew up to a toddler and was learning your hard bound rules, I was tagged #slow, #immature, #jumpy, #tough, #bubbly, #plump

As I grew further finding my way into my teens and adjusting to your world, I was tagged #fair/dark, #fat/skinny, #hot/cool, #sweet/rude

Well into my youth, just as I thought I had mastered this mysterious art, I was tagged #ambitious/aimless, #achiever/loser, #leader/follower, #smart/cunning

A little later in my life, when I was gearing up to experience the vicious circle, I was tagged #best/worst, #golddigger/charitycase, #toobusy/toolucky

And now as I am almost nearing my end, looking back at the tags I have had all along, I can only think of one little thing - call it a dream, a desire, a plea, a request, an order, a command, a question or whatever your heart is content with.....................

At least once, before I say goodbye to all those who have tagged me ever since..........

TAG ME #human ?!