

The North Star
He drops on the sandy folds,
Of a deathly bed,
A lost traveler of a mighty desert,
Parched throat, cracked skin,
He is his own Messiah,
Or another vagabond victim...

He became his own Messiah.
He remembered a story that his grandmother told him about a village in the desert that was located under the North Star.

He gathered his courage and as the night came

He traveled to the North Star as if he were a wise man going to meet the king.

The journey was long
But it was filled with hope.
He could hear his grandmother's laughter as he traveled towards the star.
He walked towards her laughter.
By morning the villagers ran to meet him carrying buckets of delicious ice-cold water. They said his grandmother came to them in a dream arousing them to run and meet him.

© China Clark