

vile 2
In laughter's fleeting dance, a wry smile,
Where anger lurks beneath the surface vile,
We observe others, both near and on the phone,
Navigating life's labyrinth, where fears are sown.

We witness their joy, their tangled embrace,
While I, marred by shadows, occupy a darker space.
The irony is this: I stand apart,
From the tapestry of existence, I depart.

Contemplating the unfathomable abyss,
I ponder existence's worth with each whispered hiss,
Is it the pursuit of life's elusive song,
Or the eternal sleep to which I long?

Seeking a reason to remain, I strive to define,
Goals to tether me, one step at a time,
Future dreams and aspirations to adorn,
Yet, do they hear my ambitions, or just a hollow thorn?

Trapped within my own enigmatic maze,
A life I deem as worthless, in a relentless daze,
I question my place, I question my role,
In this theatrical display that takes its toll.

A fractured soul, a puzzle without a key,
Even a masterful artisan could not mend me,
Vanished from the world's stage, like a retreating wave,
Forgotten like a gentle zephyr in a hidden cave.

I yearn to disappear from this realm so severe,
To fade into obscurity, far from judgment's sneer,
But like a fragile toy, too shattered to mend,
I remain, an enduring enigma till the end.
© #milialate.4