

a day a dusk
sour plums
greenery and film-like
pictures of sycamore trees
on beds of wildflowers and daisies
we've been here before
before my father died
we came here
but now
the air smells different
it's ripe with the birth of the spring
and ground dense pollen
our sinuses burn with its dust
here, there you go
i'll take a picture of you
under the sycamore
bees don't bite
mosquitos do
and i haven't seen any
not yet
so open your mouth
sing like a bat
sit there
in front of the cave my father once
crouched down
and laughed back at us
hold your bag
let's go to your mother's house
it's dinnertime
barbeque and family, green sauce
we don't usually share food
with others, friend
but take a seat, please
enjoy the meal
here comes the dusk

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