

The Lord and the Mask

         The Lord and the Mask

The Lord was ill at ease
And felt very guilty,
For the world of his creation 
He hath neglected of late. 

"I shall visit it at once"
He said in remorse 
"It doesn't behove me
To be so unconcerned 
About my own creations".

So saying He descended
On the big city
He had chosen to visit,
Resplendent in his divine habit,
Expecting respect and reverence 
From them, his creations.

On landing He saw
That the streets were bare
And absent was the hustle bustle 
Of the famed city.

While the Lord was divining 
What could be the cause,
He espied a tall being
Approaching towards Him,
Attired in the dress
That professed his calling
And wielding a baton
That spoke of his trade.

The Lord looked at him
Who stopped six feet away,
His face and nose 
covered in a mask.

The one in uniform
Seemed perplexed 
To see the strange figure 
Resplendent in divine attire
As he had seen
In places of worship
Or on pages of books
That spoke of religion 
And gods and goddesses.

Recovering after a while,
The baton-wielder spoke thus.

"Oh! What shall I say, 
You seem different 
From the likes of us
On this green earth,
I am baffled and know not
Who you are, 
But whoever  you be,
Where is your Mask?
You are in danger 
Without the mask,
You are a danger too
To others you meet.

The Resplendent figure said,
"Man, know this fact
That I am the Lord
Who created you
And the world you live in.
I don't need
To hide my divine face
With that piece of cloth
Which you call Mask.
I am immune
To worldly diseases"

The Guardian of Law said,
"Oh! Whoever you be,
God or Lord or Creator,
Here on this earth,
Mask is a must
For everyone  
And none exempted.

Agreeing for a moment
That you are God,
When you return 
To your heavenly abode,
You may infect
Other gods and goddesses 
Who number thousands
 In the pantheon of gods.
So wear a mask,
Save thyself from harm
And protect thy realm
From becoming a place
Dreaded like the world
Which thou hast created.
Trust the wisdom of man,
Your unique creation
Blessed with the sixth sense".

Sensing danger
In tarrying on the earth,
Off flew the Lord
To his kingdom in Heaven 
Wearing the mask
Gifted by the earthling,
Murmuring to himself
"Why take the risk
And fall sick".

Raghav R
© Raghav R