

A nostalgic whisper in my ear
Transports me back to joyous years
A cherished memory, pure and bright
A smile creeps in, banishing the night
Summer sunshine warm upon my face
Laughter echoes, a happy, carefree race
Chasing fireflies on a balmy night
Catching dreams, with all my might
Grandma's garden, a haven of delight
Where petals bloomed, and love shone bright
Her gentle hands, a comforting embrace
A sense of security, a peaceful space
The scent of fresh-cut grass and sweet perfume
Fills my heart with joy, and my soul resumes
The simple pleasures, the uncomplicated glee
Of childhood's magic, wild and free
Though years have passed, and life has grown complex
This memory remains, a treasured, golden flex
A reminder of joy, a symbol of love
A cherished childhood memory, sent from above.
By Phrysylla ❣️❣️❣️
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