

Sigma Of Life
Birth, Death
Coming, Going
Hot, Cold
Good, Bad
Vision, Blindness
Strength, Weakness
All opposites but rely on each other
Because birth would be meaningless without death
Coming would not matter if you didn't have to leave
Having the ability to see would vain if you can't go blind
This is the principle on which life is built
One action in turn neutralizing the other
There are many things we are yet to comprehend
Some feel it will take the full percentage of our brain's power
Is that what we need to comprehend the universe entirely?
That we may grow beyond the Milky way?
Look up into the greater universe of limitless knowledge?
Or must we look down to the simplest particle, the atom for innovation?
In all, our actions tend to balance out themselves
For action deserves an equal and opposite reaction
Newton's Third Law

© HilaryCK