

The Worthy Ones.
Many demons to kill...
I slay them with every tap on my keyboard.
They come as thoughts but the keys on the keyborad are my swords...
Their blood, My ink... Splashing across my white digital pages...
But they don't always come as demons...
Sometimes they come as diamonds, bringing monetary value,
Sometimes they are sweet thoughts like honey,
Makes a sweet story...
Sweet music makes me smile at life as it sticks its own swords into my sides...
I smile as i feel the pain...
Basking in euphoria as blood spills from my lips
A sacrifice... My sacrifice... Finally I'm worthy,
The pain has made me worthy...
Life has failed to break me
It birthed a beast instead... Me...
Now i stand in the hall way with my brothers and sisters,
Legends who have fought life and won,
The Worthy Ones...

© A. S. Adaora