

My mind is heating up
Raw with pure emotion
The darkness creeping out
Sick and tired of these notions

Ideas that I'm not worthy
Worthy of any love
Oh God, I am so tired
Are you tired from up above?

Do you believe these creatures
These things that you created
Were always meant to destroy?
Made to spew with hatred?

The bags under my eyes
Are heavier than my sin
Existing is exhausting
At least I'm helped with gin

The only way I'm happy
The only way that I can laugh
Is when I can't remember pain
Logic and sense split in half

I have no sense of purpose
It's hard just to wake
How do people do it?
Live life with little ache?

My language is sloppy
My writing is weak
I'm trying to hold on
With this poem I can speak

It's not really helping
I'm slipping away
I wonder if you'll hear me again
Who knows if it's my last day?

I think I'm done here
I think I need a break
Might sink into the earth
There's only so much heartbreak I can take

© Emily Vald