

Deep Thought Revelation
Deep thought revelation...
Might not be for everybody but could well be for somebody.
Motivation is education and knowledge is the key. Understanding the wisdom that leads to
all three.
I'm talking about what I'm talking about.
Real stuff, but nobody wants to listen.
Instead, looks for pleasures of what sounds, looks and feels good; deaf to ear blinded by the
eye, and weakened by the flesh.
Satan deception the delusion of lust and fame not realizing half of the stuff leaves you dead
or insane. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?
If I tell you the truth you believe a lie but want the truth of a lie.
They say fake it till you make but I disagree.
If you fake it to you make it, how can you realize what was and is real, just saying.
Living the American dream of Greed, envy, and lust; the prosperity of sin. The Bible says
Love not the world, neither the things that are in. But we get mad when things go wrong
that is in the world. Be careful of what motivate you.
The world ways of dealing with affliction and situation are sex, drugs, and alcohol to escape
their pain,
But what will it profit you if you awake to the same problem you had? It is just more
problems with more waste drowned from the temptation and snares of a hurtful lust.
Deep thoughts like running water
Silver platters and dirty frames
Sunshine and pouring rain.
Swinging under the tree, as the leaves fall upon me.
Sunrises, sunsets, night air, and twinkle stars.
My head is filled with fog as I sit on the log,
Pushing aside the negatives and pain, screaming, I want to be free from it all!
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.
I once heard someone say,
You must hustle hard to make it in that life.
I said to live and make in this life we need God.
One nation under God with liberty and justice for all.
But we tend to get mad
when things fall when we don't even answer the master call.
That what makes the fall.
© unique inspiration