

Its not the break up
Not the break up

Its not the break up
that hurts the most
Its the promise of a future lost
Excruciating pain emanating from the promises
The exchanged oaths on romantic gardens
a colourful canvas of what could have been
luminous embers the hearts had seen
its the journey to the past
across a field of sharp shards of glass

The bitter concoctions of the now
the sweet waters of then
the untimely passing of forever
the aimless roam arounds to make amends
With a soul despising you
the betrayal of being one soul

More importantly its the visions of your lover with another
happier than you could ever make them
its the envy of a flourishing love that could have been yours to keep
yet even in extreme caution it slipped through the arteries of your heart
Into the stream of another
The forlorn invoking of karma
hope that a lightning will end the affair
they are the flash backs of your lover calling upon ýou
the lovers quarrels that are no more
Its the last moment you spent together
Oblivious of the reckoning
its the yearning to reverse the clock
and keep it constant
Its not the break up that hurts the most
its the gloomy path between the before and after
yet we must walk in between these worlds

© Mthulisi Melusi