

Haunting Through Time

"She was pretty then.
Her hair was thick.
She married young " they say.
Look what time has done!
" He was smart, strong and great!
  They have kids now. Busy I guess... "
That's what people say.

" They were together
For a long time. Time passes!
Memories fade! Wonder what they talk about" people say.
" I've never seen aged ones close together
  Like them. So lovely " They say.

They never knew,
The pretty girl and the smart boy,
Though they're old now,
Haunted through time.
They travelled back to 50 years!
20 years! 40 years!
"They" did not know.
The girl and the boy,
Shared the wonderful memories
Hundred and thousand times.

" No one can change your past
Yet, we all have the power to travel,
To travel back in time! "
The young lady and the handsome guy
Looked at the moon,
Recalled their memories...
Some sweet, some sour...
Yet they lived. With their memories.
Always loved by each other.
Hearts full of stars!
Stars full of love!
They travelled back in time.
You can also try!
Close your eyes.
Take a deep breath!
You will feel it...
You will go back in time.