

Giraff bro
Giraffe Bro, a name that suits him well,
Tall and shy, our story began to swell.
We met at a fair, but words didn't flow,
Until college days, when I shouted "Giraffe Bro!"

Online talks started, but offline, he'd hide,
Until one day, he broke his silence, and our bond inside.
From strangers to siblings, our journey took a pace,
A year went by, and our hearts found a special place.

We explored Bedrvesha, trips, and Jatre together too,
Memories we cherish, a bond that shines true.
He calls me "Child," but I've grown, I've matured,
Yet, his care and love, like a brother, have endured.

Now we share a bond, a brother-sister tie,
Giraffe Bro, my brother, my friend, always by my side.
We may be close in age, but his guidance I seek,
My brother, a relationship unique.