

Drifting away from us into their own insecurities,
They are being led to a different part of their journey,
We got nurtured and loved by their love full of purity,
But as we have started growing, they are taking their authority.
Ever since I have come to my senses, seen life's cruel beauty,
But what is hurting me the most, is their immature insecurity.
Elders ought to be mature and guide us through our life,
But sometimes it feels they are here to play their own part.
Controlling everything we do, is something they want to do
But in this sense of immaturity, I am hurt too.
Showing my discontent is something that even I can do,
But they won't try to understand and say that I am immature too.
Your love is pure, you know that and me too,
But you have to trust me as you taught me through.
Words are always worthless in situations like this
Actions speak louder than words ' is true in many cases.
Showing discontent and supporting are two choices,
Every choice is always yours, to make our lives a bliss!🍁🍁🍁

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