

I really wanna be a generous man,
a man who helps the poor
a man who tries to bring happiness to the needy
but I don't know if I will.

driving in the strits I saw a poor man in torn clothes,he is really poor
he waved my ride asking me to stop, I new he os gonna ask me for a help.
I stopped and this man asked just for k100 to buy a food, I felt sorry and gave him more than he asked, money enough to buy food for a month
After some hours I saw the same man drunk
that's when I knew he lied ,I was robbed.
I was sad.

PEPFA,WFP and some Organisations are helping to reduce and if possible to eliminate poverty.
but what's happening on the ground can disappoint those who contribute a help .
let help reach the reall needy,don't disappoint the donors
let's help each other.