

It would cost his life
Light the lamps for the king returns,
Victorious and valiant,
In an eternal battle with,
A ten headed enemy...
Who saw his pride up high
and little did he know that would cost his life.
To abduct the queen ,
Pure as a saint and beauty beyond
Comparison of any living creature,
his lust overcome his sanity
would cost his life.
The King who for his father
left his throne
Who lived the life of a saint
for 14 years
Not questioning , what he did to deserve
this exile
This ten headed enemy made his worst mistake
to test this mighty king's valour,
And now the abduction of his queen
would cost his life.


A mere attempt , do not kill me for the freestyle!! I wrote this with absolutely no intention of writing this...

I apologise if it isn't very good 🙏

© HennaG

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