

She Masks Herself
She masks herself with laughs and smiles
Knowing all the time loneliness
Life is always her constant mess
She longs for peace and rest
There have been moments in time she wished for death
Instead emptiness consumed her and joy and happiness were no longer left
Where is the rest for an injured soul
When people misuse you you lose your will of the emotions to control
She could be seen as a saint but rather time will tell if she doesn't escape this cave she's a sinner that is damned to a pit in hell
She once let it all out put now she tucks it away in her own corner of hell
To nurse pain and the hurt damages her soul
There were times in her past she lost her will and couldn't gain control
Now she hides her pain and says "Oh, yes I'm fine I've got all under control."
Time and mankind around her usual tells that at it's core there are few who will listen or truly care
Life stretches before her like a never-ending tempest
The question remains will she ever change or just give in and be tempted
Her heart is beyond broken
Her soul shattered and broken
The hope of healing seems to be something no longer attainable or spoken
The hope that she tries to grip feels like it could rush past her fingers and slip
Yet it's not really depression it's the fact that that life feels like a trap
You may not agree
Maybe you clearly see
Often there's this saying don't say that
As if it were in stone resolved or a concrete fact
She knows that she will either lose herself
Or She will reach out of this grime overcome and choose herself
© Isabel Page