

The running, forgetful lady
Prince Daniel was going mad!
For there was a party to attend, but nothing he had.

So his lady ran out,
dancing and singing with her mouth

Until she came upon the king,
who wore a robe and a ring
and did sing:

'how is my lady?
And why does she run like she has lost her baby?'

But faster and faster she ran along
all the time thinking of a new song

Until she came upon a maid,
sitting on a rock, holding a spade

'Why doth thou run so fast?
Is it a fire that thou hast?'
So the lady sat down, and let time past

But she sat so long, she forgot her task
and when remembered, put on a frightened mask

Yet, she did run, faster and faster,
swearing to never again forget her master

Until she came upon a lady with a wig
who cried out: 'why doth thou run like a pig?'
so she sat down under a tree that grew a fig

She sat and ate and ate
all that she could get

Until arrived, from above,
a most beautiful silver dove
who did say: 'thy master waiteth for thee,
so why art thou beneath this tree?'

So up she did get, running faster and faster,
once again remebering her master

She fell so tired, she dropped asleep
and fell into a hole that was quite deep!

'Lo. Who is this that we do see?
And would she like to have some tea?'
Said a soris
to his laddy

'Oh, yes, yes please!
And some biscuits with cheese!

So sat she did with the mouse
and his friend in their little house,
having tea
with glee!

But came to her, some fine soldiers
with breastplates as hard as boulders

With swords and knives
soldiers in fives!

All crying: 'maiden! Maiden!
Hast thou forgotten
what thou hast taken?'

So out of the hole did she crawl,
ran and did bawl: 'thank you sirs! I will be on my way
for here, i will not stay.'

She ran and came upon a man, digging hay
and did marvel, for it was May

She ran into the marketplace
and there, found a robe and and a lace
then rushed back to her master,
faster than any soldier

In the castle she did meet: the king
in his rope and ring
the maid, who still held a spade,
the lady with a wig who called her a pig,
the soris and his laddy,
and the man digging hay in the month of May.
All who she did meet, sitting upon a seat.
Then the prince announced: 'for taking, so long for the master, thou shall go and serve the wicked pastor!'

~Alex Anderson