

I hate you
Dear cousin, I hate you with a passion! It takes all the strength I have not lay down and die! U use others as a tool to get in between us! U even stooped low enough to use your son. I am done with your abuse u treat my mom and my dad like crap! And me your own flesh and blood, when others say your name my blood boils! U threaten us! U wanted to beat up my own dad! Your own uncle! Who the heck are you? And who the heck do you think you are? U say oh I love u! U liar! And why did I receive this abuse? Because I let u hurt me! I gave you my secrets, now my secrets are your weapon?!!? I have done nothing to you! I stuck up for myself once and you flipped out! Your jaw is made out of glass. U wanted me gone? You have abandonded me? Out of your life? For what reason? You hurt! My family took you in when your own mom wouldn't! The threats, the abuse! I shake, rain drops fill my eyes. But I can't cry, I wont cry! If I do then its victory for you. No I will rise above that! Compared to your age I'm a child! A child who needs love! But I will be alright, I will soon have no recollection of you, I will soon laugh when your name is mentioned! Soon you will cowar at my name! Soon you will feel the guilt and I will feel a victory when I see those manly tears! Oh my blood boils but soon I will laugh and know that your day is coming! I hate you!
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