

your me
I know unathink me Ni Dem yoyo
But I want to be your yoyo

I know am disturbing you
But can I blame my character

I know you have. Many crushes
But I want to be your lifelong crush

They are your entire family
But would blame me for wanting to build a family

Youve got numerous friends and fans
But as your best friend am more than happy

You like eating at your own pace and time
Would mind us sharing a table

I know you have your own wardrobe
But I got few clothes to keep with you

I fear there might be others so pretty sexy
Hope I keep to handle you better

If we get to eat that cake the first meal shared
Usitense kula biggy cause you deserve the best share

Just as biceps and six pack put ladies down
I am turn on by your great mind

I know the name is awkward
But can you be the king of my heart

© jaylous art