

Beneath the veil
Eyes become one with my soul,
Seeing all my faults, all the lies.
Gone are all my ailments,
All but one potent poison in my heart.

With a firm grasp you imprison my
thoughts, and –without hesitation–
You break my will.

Words of the finest silk runs
through my ears,
and waves of peace flow through me.
Venom injected into my blood.

Touch so gentle, like heaven in my hand.
The air itself like the sweetest sap,
Coated in your smell.
A deadly gas that crushes my throat.

Behind all the beauty there lies a beast,
Cold and calculated your moves.
Slight, unnoticed by many–
All except for me.

I see through the veil,
through the mask you wear too well.
Yet in your arms I still seek comfort,
From all the harm you've done.
© J.D.L